The Observant Astronomer

The passing scene as observed by an observant Jew, who daylights as an astronomer.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hubble Season

Just in case anyone is wondering if I fell off the Earth at perihelion, there is a good reason why blogging is even lighter than usual at the moment. It is the time of year when observational astronomers indulge in the annual ritual called HST Proposal. This is when we put aside all other work, or as much as possible, to come up with really good ideas to convice the Time Allocation Committees to give to our wonderful selves some of that rare and precious Hubble Space Telescope time. Competition is fierce for there are seven astronomers vying for every available HST orbit. (HST time is measured in orbits of the telescope about the Earth. Each one represents about 40 minutes or so of observing opportunity. The other half of the orbit, the Earth is usually blocking the target.) I'll have to explain another time (bli neder) why this is really important just now, but I've got to get back to work. Deadline is Jan 27th, so I should reappear after that.


Blogger Jan and Cindy said...

How did the proposal writing go? When can you expect a response?

3:04 a.m., February 02, 2006  
Blogger The Observer said...

The proposal came together very nicely. It was a good team effort and we think, a solid proposal. G-d willing, the time allocations will be announced at the beginning of April.

Thanks for asking.

9:51 a.m., February 03, 2006  

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